Lyre-800 gil
~Starting instrument for the future musician!
Romeo Harp-1500 gil
~Randomly casts Confusion. Played by forlorn lovers who are grieving their missing halves.
Bloody Strings-3000 gil
~Music drains listeners of thier power and gives it to the player. Said to have been played by the goddess Circe.
Fairy Harp-5000 gil
~Randomly Charms enemy. According to legend, these harps were used by the Sirens to lure sailors' ships to a rocky doom.
Cherub's Harp-8000 gil
~Always Reraise. It is said when an angel is sent to earth, they are given a harp and can not return to heaven unless they have the harp. Only a few are in existance so perhaps angels are walking among us.