Our next contest is going to be a photography/costume contest. I want to see the FFT jobs updated to clothing of our time. The winner will receive a custome job costume of their choice made by iheartmargarita. Each job is a different catagory, and the winner of each catagory will receive a cast prize of 500 gil to start the game. Of those catagory winners, one will be chosen to be the winner of the contest. Pictures can be emailed to
kingtavis@epix.net or if you do not have a scanner, you can snail mail them to me at
Tavis King
c/o Costume Contest
7 Mix Avenue Apt 2
Towanda, PA 18848
If you need help, use the examples that we did on the
Job Photo's page. The Contest will end at the end of August. Good Luck!
There are job specific rules below for each job. So be sure to look at the catagories you want to do and see they are up to par.
Squire-No limitations
Chemist-Must have a potion bag of some sort
Knight-Don't worry about armor. Just try to get the cape down.
Archer-Should have a bow. Should be green.
Red Mage-must be red.
White Mage-White outfits will satisfy. But Red triangles will get you bonus points.
Black Mage-Must have a brimmed hat. Must have part of their face covered up.
Time Mage-A star like the one on their hat should appear on the costume somewhere.
Summoner-Must have the point on their forhead.
Blue Mage-Must have a blue mask of some kind
Thief-No limitations.
Mediator-No limitations.
Oracle-No limitations
Geomancer-Feel free to take LOTS OF LIBERTY. I don't want to see anyone exposed. Just stick to earthtones.
Lancer-If you can do the dragon helmet-good. It's not required, but if you don't have one, try to find some kind of hat (Like the one Freya has in FF9).
Samurai-No limitations.
Ninja-No limitations.
Calculator-No limitations
Bard-No limitations (yes females can do this job for the pics)
Dancer-No limitations (yes men can do this job for the pics)
Mime-Men should do Mocking Bird costume, Women should do Copy Cat costume.
Telekinetic-Must be shiny!
Winner: None! Because you all are lazy and you suck!
Status: Abandoned